Wednesday 14 December 2016

The 7 Best Blog Posts on Motivation

What will you do with the time you have? Go to work, stay in bed, hang out with family, spend your savings on a round the world trip, stay in a relationship, take a hike? Some of that will depend on circumstances and external factors of course, but when it comes to making choices in life- we are in the driver’s seat. The psychology behind a decision or a choice is often lead by some internal process or impulse that we call motivation. It gives reason to action and desires and stimulates our interest toward a particular goal. What if motivation did not exist? The truth is it always will exist. All motivation is a result of the interaction between our conscious and subconscious mind and there are several types to note, intrinsic (desire for internal fulfillment such as learning), extrinsic (arises from outside pressure) and self –motivation (ability to get what is needed done without influence). Here are some blogs that hone in on how to harness our motivation to achieve our desires:

1.This blog aims to put the onus on ourselves to get motivated. The idea that we can spend hours surfing the web for videos and blogs on motivation seems ironic because if we motivate ourselves to do this task, we can certainly inspire to do another. It includes a Ted Talk by Meg Jay in which she speaks of her young therapy client, she talks of adding value to who you are with ‘identity capital’. Exploration is not the same as procrastination, make the work count.

  1. Through the steps of a recovering addict, the idea of motivation seems insurmountable at times, this blog helps one stay on a path toward fulfillment of your goals and applies to all across the board, not just those who are sober. He posits that each day gives us an opportunity to celebrate and motivate.
  1. Research suggests that 65% of people fail to continue with a desired resolution, so this blog gives us ways to stay on track. Simple and easy tips that can be applied immediately, such as writing down a thought, doing research and doing it right now!
  1. Most of us get out of bed (or linger in bed…) and lack the motivation we so eagerly anticipated we would have the night before. Research suggests there are clever ways to circumvent this behavior that trick the mind into productivity and success. The tips in this blog are doable and small, yet powerful.
  1. “Mistakes are portals of discovery.” James Joyce. This blog is essential for anyone that has been held back by anxieties and self-doubt. Using the fear to achieve success, if you can think of the worst thing that can happen in each case, you will loosen its grip on the outcome. Therefore allowing a free flow of creativity and productivity needed to attain your goal.
  1. Abraham Lincoln once said, “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” This quote, used in his blog, perfectly embodies what it is to drag our feet. Perhaps the most damaging obstacle to motivation is in fact, procrastination. But the good news it is completely avoidable. There is a routine of rituals to follow in this blog that work to help one stay on track.
  1. This blog is full of informative and inspiring videos to help with motivation. One that is particularly essential is the one on ‘beating the odds’. The idea that our very existence is beating the odds and what is against you is negativity, insecurities, fear and self-doubt.
Intention and desire set the course for many goals that will take a long time to achieve, and motivation will keep us engaged and moving forward. If we approach life with a ‘what is the point?’ mind set it clearly makes motivation an uphill battle with such a self-defeating attitude. Discovering what it is that motivates us all individually is the very first key in unlocking our personal power and potential. Beyond that motivation is necessary to see our tasks to completion and it is essential to adopt tips and tricks to remain on that path.
Do you read a great blog about motivation that’s not on the list? Leave a comment !
It is up to you to decide. 

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